Safer sex and polyamory Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.
Avoiding pain and disclosure Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.
Episode 101: Reconciliation or Retribution Your partner comes home from a date and needs reassurance, but you can’t give it in that moment. Is this something to overcome?
Episode 89: Mismatched Drives Sometimes making a rule causes the exact problem that the rule is designed to prevent.
Episode 88: One Rule to Rule Them All Sometimes making a rule causes the exact problem that the rule is designed to prevent.
Episode 86: No Exes as Friends Your new partner demands, during a period of grief, that you stop being friends with an ex and now might not be the best time to push back on the ultimatum.
Episode 74: Dating Friendly In starting out in polyamory, most people want to make rules — like no dating friends or family. It’s worth thinking more about that rule. That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: What makes a friend different from a partner to you? Listen
Betraying yourself for others My ex and I were together for a year and nine months. He was my first relationship and first sexual encounter. He is fifteen years my senior, and we met when I was eighteen. I didn't know about his actual age, or the fact he had a girlfriend
Episode 71: Feelings and Friends We create rules sometimes about what our partners can do because we’re afraid of losing them, but sometimes the rules we make don’t actually change anything. That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: How do you introduce the topic of STIs
Regret after opening My wife and I have been together for 17 years and very happily married for 13 years.For the majority of our marriage she has been unhappy in her own skin triggered by being over weight. This lead to not wanting to engage in sexual activity. In the past 12