Episode 153 - Childhood Trauma and Polyamory How long should a partner wait for you to work through childhood trauma until you are “ready” for polyamory?
Anxious Attachment and Polyamory How can an anxiously attached person practice polyamory without having so much emotional turmoil?
Episode 150 - Q&A Another episode coming from questions that I sought out on the NonMonogamyHelp Instagram.
Episode 145 - Re-release Episode 85 was titled Insecurity and Comparisons and was about being worried about having feelings about your partner interacting with pictures of others.
Episode 133 - Pressure to Open Coming at a crossroads in your relationship with compatibility can make you feel a pressure to open your relationship, but rethinking that might help.
Episode 132 - Mind Reading If you feel too uncomfortable to ask for what you want from your partner then holding resentment towards them for not meeting your needs may not be fair.
Too Sensitive A situationship is leading to anxiety and stress -- but is this normal for even the most secure.
Episode 130: Deprioritised If you know you’re being deprioritised and you just feel you can’t leave, can you actually make it work.
Lacking Confidence A follow up from a previous letter about how to gain more confidence in relationships.
Episode 125: De-escalating from Polyamory Is there a way to do polyamory without doing polyamory or de-escalate when you figure out that polyamory is not for you?