Self-Conscious About Experience It's easy to feel nervous about inexperience but experience isn't always everything within any relationship style.
Episode 124: Reasonable Boundaries Knowing what boundaries are “reasonable” and which aren’t can be complicated in polyamory, especially when difficult feelings are involved.
Fuzzy Definitions When your friends with benefits relationship could lead to polyamory but you're not quite sure.
Not Feeling Stable Is it just insecurity or poor self-esteem or are there reasons for why this person might not feel 100% convinced by their partner's promises?
Episode 113: Slowly Losing Time You’re slowly and slowly losing the time you have with a metamour and you’re not quite sure how to navigate their boundaries around their time.
Practicing polyamory and borderline personality disorder Is it possible to practice polyamory when you have borderline personality disorder or abandonment issues?
Anchors are not trust I am a 28 year old female and I've been dating my boyfriend for more than 3 years. When we met, he was about to move to another country in months, but we still started dating and fell in love with each other very quickly and in a
Episode 98: Mixed Signals is a Signal Your partner comes home from a date and needs reassurance, but you can’t give it in that moment. Is this something to overcome?
Fighting for control My partner and I was considering playing solo in the lifestyle, but our first attempt was unsuccessful and left us confused and a bit hurt. We would like to try again on more solid ground, but not knowing where to go from here. Anything you can suggest that would help?
Trapped in guilt I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years. I've always been fine with 3somes, him sleeping with men, but about a year and a half ago I started advocating for ENM after researching it and realizing I have never wanted to be in a monogamous relationship.