Episode 91: Hierarchies and Ethics Sometimes making a rule causes the exact problem that the rule is designed to prevent.
Episode 90: Breakup News Sometimes making a rule causes the exact problem that the rule is designed to prevent.
Trouble accepting polyamory I’m new to polyamory. I’ve been married for 25 years & have 3 children. Long story short, my husband met someone online about 3 months ago. They have started a relationship though they have not met in person yet. She lives in another state. He will be going
Episode 87: Showering Rules When having strict rules makes you feel controlled, coming to a compromise with a partner who wants a specific thing can seem impossible.
Left out of a thruple My husband and I have been together for 10 years. We have kids, cars, a home, and careers built together. We've been off and on exploring non monogamy in many forms for about 7 of these years. We've tried dating together and it didn't
Realistic emotional expectations This may be way out there, but I'm currently struggling thru the beginning of my partner and I's attempt at non monogamy. We both wanted a hierarchical [polyamory] structure, but I quickly became overwhelmed with jealousy over everything. Because I have been feeling this way, he
Episode 83: Recycled Dates What happens when you’re trying non-monogamy for the first time, but you and your partner can’t come to an agreement on things like not going to the same places they’ve taken a metamour? That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. 💡Discussion Topic:
Changing agreements My partner and I have been together for 10 years. We've been practicing polyam off and on throughout our marriage. Recently we decided to open up. We made agreements and decided on our relationship dynamic. He met someone and didn't say anything. I finally figured it
Episode 82: Dating Metamours When your shared partner is making you both feel like you’re a triad when you’ve never agreed to that… it can get a little awkward. That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. 💡Discussion Topic: Have you had your partner date another partner you’
Episode 76: No Way Out If you feel you’re between crushing emotions and a family breakdown, you might feel like there’s no way out. That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: Talk about one hard limit you have and how it became a hard limit for