Panic and Polyamory Logically you know you should trust your partner, but your emotions don't seem to be responding to your logic.
Panic and Polyamory Logically you know you should trust your partner, but your emotions don't seem to be responding to your logic.
Living With Metamours Living with metamours and partners can mean it's that much more difficult to put down the boundaries necessary for healthy communication.
Episode 139 - Boundaries vs Rules If you frequently don’t follow your boundaries with action, your brain could respond with anxiety because of the self-sabotage.
Bitterness Over Flourishing Partner Polyamory has only given you stress while your partner is flourishing and you can't help feeling bitter.
Wanting to Be a Priority If you want more time with a partner, would being a "primary" help make that happen?
Polyamory Pass or Fail Seeing polyamory as a game you can win or lose can often put more pressure on you to be "successful".
Reading vs. Reality You've done all of the homework in polyamory but you're still feeling at the whim of your emotions.
Episode 134 - Polyamory and Trauma Seeing yourself as “traumatised” may actually be causing yourself more stress and difficulty than if you allowed yourself the permission to feel.
Sharing One Bedroom Sharing one bedroom while needing your personal space in polyamory can be a huge struggle.