Episode 90: Breakup News Sometimes making a rule causes the exact problem that the rule is designed to prevent.
Episode 85: Insecurity and Comparisons You’re in a not so open minded city. How do you tell people you want to date that you’re currently in a polyamorous or open relationship?
Episode 84: Disclosure and Outing You’re in a not so open minded city. How do you tell people you want to date that you’re currently in a polyamorous or open relationship?
Emotional sharing in polyamory My husband and I have been open for a little over a year now. We closed for a period of time because he crossed multiple boundaries. I was the one to bring up being open. My issue right now is my partners unwillingness to really communicate. He claims he’s
Episode 80: Trying to Convince If you’re trying to convince your partner to be polyamorous, you may not be able to “fix” them wanting monogamy. That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: Could you see yourself being monogamous? Listen here on or on Anchor. Visit the Anchor
Struggling to find partners CW: This letter discusses some adult themes pretty explicitly. I’m 29 and would love to enter a polyamorous relationship but there are several things holding me back from going out and start dating someone: 1) I never had a relationship before in any shape or form so I’m
Episode 73: Caveat Emptor It’s easy to think you might be interest in non-monogamy, but what if you have some conflicting feelings when theory becomes practice? That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: What “meaning” do you attach to sex, if any? And why? This episode
Ethical vs healthy I'm new to the world of ENM and after lots of time spent reading– I'm more confused than ever! Before I get into all of it, I guess my concerns can be boiled down into two questions: 1) Is it possible to co-create an ethically non-monogamous
Episode 63: Visualising Your Partner What if you can’t see your partner with someone else in your head without feeling terrible? That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: What is one thing that you didn’t get as a child that you want to now have as
Episode 59: Feeling Disconnected If COVID caught a relationship when it was just forming, is it worth picking back up again if you’re feeling disconnected? That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: How do you prefer to end a relationship? We always assume that in-person is