Fuzzy Definitions When your friends with benefits relationship could lead to polyamory but you're not quite sure.
Episode 120: Forced Primary You’ve been happy as a secondary but slowly your partner is requesting more and more time after a recent breakup.
Unwanted triad Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.
Episode 109: Wanting More Time Is the drive to go out and get another partner to “balance” things out just childish?
Episode 108: Gendered Energies There’s a lot behind being worried about being judged as a thruple but also wanting masculine energy for an upcoming child.
Episode 107: When To End It If you’re not sure whether or not to stay together but you want to stay together for the children, is that a possibility in polyamory?
Sudden relationship escalation I am a 32 yo female bisexual who has always leaned more toward women than men. However, I met the man who made me want to have a serious relationship (44 yo male) and grow old with. He also met another female (43 yo female) he was interested in. I
Changing agreements My partner and I have been together for 10 years. We've been practicing polyam off and on throughout our marriage. Recently we decided to open up. We made agreements and decided on our relationship dynamic. He met someone and didn't say anything. I finally figured it
Episode 79: Outside Veto Sometimes when your partner wants non-monogamy you can be left feeling like you’ve failed or not done enough. That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: How do you feel about giving your friends details about your relationships? Listen here on or on
Episode 65: No Longer Primary How do you force yourself out of apathy if you feel the partner you want to settle down with is slipping away? That’s what’s on this week’s episode of Non-Monogamy Help. Discussion Topic: How has your ideal lifestyle changed over time? Listen below. You can also find