Unwanted triad Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.
Episode 107: When To End It If you’re not sure whether or not to stay together but you want to stay together for the children, is that a possibility in polyamory?
Monitoring your partner's phone So my wife and I are working at possibly getting into (swinging, hotwife) life style. A guy reached out to me and wife agreed to give out number for the first time they were chatting and I got ghosted by him and she updated me on what was texted by
Episode 105: Becoming Monogamous Therapy can’t make someone monogamous who doesn’t want to be and it can’t make someone non-monogamous who doesn’t want to be.
Episode 102: Clear Communication Your partner comes home from a date and needs reassurance, but you can’t give it in that moment. Is this something to overcome?
Location trackers in polyamory I need some serious help with my relationship as my partner has cheated on me twice. We are both women, we met when we were 17 and we’ve been dating for two years now. Both of us agreed from the start to be polyamorous, with the boundary that we
Episode 101: Reconciliation or Retribution Your partner comes home from a date and needs reassurance, but you can’t give it in that moment. Is this something to overcome?
Breakup boundaries My partner and I started sleeping with a guy 5 months ago, in a threesome arrangement. We did on occasion sleep with him individually as well, but ithe relationship had its start as a open sexual relationship. We eventually discussed poly and eveyone was into the idea and exploring it
Episode 97: When to Say When Your partner comes home from a date and needs reassurance, but you can’t give it in that moment. Is this something to overcome?
Trapped in guilt I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years. I've always been fine with 3somes, him sleeping with men, but about a year and a half ago I started advocating for ENM after researching it and realizing I have never wanted to be in a monogamous relationship.