Accidental disclosure Agreeing to things you don't actually want quite often creates a lot more problems than it needs to down the line.
Episode 110: Live Q&A #1 I hosted my first Live Q&A on Instagram and got a lot of interesting questions. If you missed it, check it out here and be sure to follow @NonMonogamyHelp.
Unwanted triad Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.
Episode 109: Wanting More Time Is the drive to go out and get another partner to “balance” things out just childish?
Safer sex and polyamory Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.
Episode 108: Gendered Energies There’s a lot behind being worried about being judged as a thruple but also wanting masculine energy for an upcoming child.
Avoiding pain and disclosure Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.
Episode 107: When To End It If you’re not sure whether or not to stay together but you want to stay together for the children, is that a possibility in polyamory?
Perfect polyamory Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.
Episode 106: The Third Wheel Dating two people who have a history together is going to trigger some anxiety within you. Maybe you’re not jealous — you’re just normal.