Episode 139 - Boundaries vs Rules If you frequently don’t follow your boundaries with action, your brain could respond with anxiety because of the self-sabotage.
Unsatisfied With Secondary You can't help but imagining a nesting relationship with someone who isn't interested in escalating.
Unsatisfied With Secondary You can't help but imagining a nesting relationship with someone who isn't interested in escalating.
Episode 138 - Conflicting Routines Trying to work out intentional time together when life circumstances and sleep schedules get in the way without taking it personally can be a challenge.
Episode 138 - Conflicting Routines Trying to work out intentional time together when life circumstances and sleep schedules get in the way without taking it personally can be a challenge.
Bitterness Over Flourishing Partner Polyamory has only given you stress while your partner is flourishing and you can't help feeling bitter.
Episode 137 - Meta's Fault Your partner is making decisions about your relationship based off of your metamour’s feelings and resentment is building.
Wanting to Be a Priority If you want more time with a partner, would being a "primary" help make that happen?
Episode 136 - Long Distance Sharing If you don’t want any other partners sharing your bed, is this jealousy or just a reasonable boundary.
Polyamory Pass or Fail Seeing polyamory as a game you can win or lose can often put more pressure on you to be "successful".