Constant Comparisons When you can't stop comparing yourself against your metamour and are worried about your partner's identity affecting your relationship.
Episode 120: Forced Primary You’ve been happy as a secondary but slowly your partner is requesting more and more time after a recent breakup.
Mismatched Expectations How do you let go of the expectation of a relationship that isn't what you hoped it would be and let it be what it is?
Episode 119: Brutal Honesty Your partner outright tells you that they plan on prioritising someone over you. It’s harsh but is it what should happen?
Comparing Partner Numbers When you and your partner seem to be playing polyamory chicken over who has the first relationship, how do you resolve it?
Episode 118: Don't Ask, Don't Tell When you agree to a DADT relationship with a closeted partner but it’s not moving fast enough into a more polyamorous relationship.
Long Distance NRE Your partner interrupts time together for a new long distance love and red alarms are blaring for you.
Episode 117: Metamour Management Sometimes knowing way too much about your partner’s relationship with their metamour can seriously impact your relationship.
Unnegotiated boundaries After a boundary miscommunication, what happens when you can't seem to let go of that feeling of betrayal?
Episode 116: Authentically Polyamorous Telling the difference between a couple of bad dates and polyamory just not being for you can sometimes be difficult.